Jumat, 08 September 2017

If a man truly loves you...

Hai girls !!! Welcome back to Love Theories <3
Yes, as you think. Now I will tell you about "if a man truly loves you", so.. If now you're doubt his love.. It means you REALLY NEED to read this post ;)

1. He will accept you as you are. 

Yes this is an important thing, girls!! Can you imagine if you have a relationship with a man who never accept you as you are? It will be a really hard relationship and unhealthy relationship, of course. But, I want to add my opinion. A man who truly loves you will love you just the way your are. But he will never let you live just like that way. He wants you to be better everyday. Not for himself, but for you too.

2. He will ask you for help.

He doesnt feel shame or afraid to ask you for help. Because he know he can count on you and he trusts you that you'll help them. Remember, even the strongest man in this earth, he needs a woman to help him. God didn't made Adam alone, HE thinks that a man needs someone to help him, so HE made Eve.

3. You will be his priority. 

This is one of girls favourite things. Right? Be a priority. Everyone wants to be a priority for someone, and if you can get this from a man. Trust me girls, he loves you so much.

4. He'll laugh with you. Never at you.

See the difference? A healthy relationship is full of laugh, not full of tears. And that laugh is both of you laugh together. Your laugh will be his laugh too. And he'll never laugh at you.

5. He'll encourage you to be independent. 

Yes, I believe he will do this if he loves you. He will always want to be with you. BUT, he knows that he can't all the time with you, and he cant always (24/7) be right by yourside. He knows that sometimes, you have to be independent. You can do all things with him, or without him.

6. He'll always find time for you. 

Almost the same with the 5th point, he can't always 24/7 be right by your side. But, he will always find time for you, because you are his priority (3rd point). Even for just call you to hear your voice. Or even come to your home just to see your face and say "i miss you"..
Unch <3

7. He'll support you. 

You are not always strong, everyone has their own fall time. And when you (girls) are in this time. You fall, you get down, and you cant rise up alone. Without you ask him to rise you up. He will do it for you before you ask it. But sometimes, for some cases.. You have to ask first. But trust me, he will do everything to make you feel better when you feel bad or in badmood. He will strengthen you when you're weak. He will support everything you do (if it is good) and he will get mad if you do the really bad things. I mean get mad is, mad because of your act..

Yeah, thats all. I hope you will be more sure about your boyfriend, or your relationship. If you find that your man are truly love you. Love him as much as you can, because he is really rare.

Laff laff..
Mimin <3

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